The Franklin Table exists to Carry, Coach and Connect vital Community Development Ministries in Middle Tennessee...
1) Carrying... we carry in prayer all those ministries we work with. Not just with perfunctory prayer but the true asking of God to give us the requests He wants to accomplish. We are intermediaries and facilitators who carry or guard the ministries in order to see the fruit of the work grow and produce 'Effective Outcomes'... There are a lot of initiatives active in our region but what are the results? TFT in reality 'sets the table' for many ministries so that their end result is pleasing to the Lord. We Carry the work hoping that 'busy work' isn't confused with ministry!
2) Coaching... we coach the ministries to actually 'do this' or 'do that' specifically... we have seen over the years many broken lives flooding the Christian Community Development landscape! There are so many good starts but lousy endings. If we can measure effective ministry outcomes and know what they are... then there are steps we can take to ensure we reach those goals. Coaching involves the preventative work to help ministries dodge or deal with future issues. We have more than twenty-five years of experience to bring to the leaders of the most vital initiatives in our community... so that the work is Transformational not just Transactional. We Coach each person in ministry to see them reach and fulfill their potential.
3) Connecting... we hope to connect ministries to people who have resources and capacities to help the work. There are many people who have been successful in their lives and have the resources and energy to keep going. They want to continue sharing in the work the Lord has called us all to do... they are the ones with the capacity to support the existing work and 'start up' works when needed. We desire to Carry, Coach and Connect each person and ministry with the right people on both sides... to help the ministries and their supporters be successful in accomplishing the Lord's will...
Continue to Pray for these ministries...
Against The Grain, Barefoot Republic, Empty Hands Fellowship, Feed Franklin First, FrankTown Open Hearts, Graceworks Ministries, High Impact Teen Ministry, Ken Turner Ministries, Jobs For Life, McCann, Hubbard & Solomon, Mercy Children's Clinic, New Hope Academy, R.E.A.L. Christian Foundation, The Samson Society, Shepherding The Next Generation, Stites & Harbison Law Offices, Synago Pastors Fellowship, The Family Dynamics Institute, The Hard Bargain Association, The Red Road, The Timothy Center and Thriftsmart.
Dear friends, I continue to raise support for the work of The Franklin Table and want to make sure you are invited to join me. If after praying you are led to make a contribution to the ministry ... please make the check to The Franklin Table and send it to 959 Glass St. Franklin, Tennessee 37064…thanks to all of you who have already given to The Franklin Table. Your contributions make the ministry possible and all donations are tax deductible. We are depending on your gifts to keep us going...thanks always for your faithfulness to Christ and His work among the poor!